12 Spheres of Leadership
The Twelve Spheres of Leadership and the 12 types of leaders that shape the destiny of nations is revelation of a Heavenly system that was given to H. E. Ambassador Dr. Andre Thomas through a series of life transforming encounters with the Spirit of the Lord. In these encounters he was shown, just as there are 12 months in the year, 12 tribes of Israel and twelve apostles of the Lamb, so are they 12 spheres of leadership that shape the destiny of nations. Leaders create the tomorrow that becomes our today.
It is creating through people and with people that produces the currency of influence because we are all made in the image and likeness of God.
We are all made to be influential in the arena of our giftedness and the twelve spheres of leadership revelation activates the dominant leadership potential of people.

Spiritual Gift

Philosophical Gift

Political Gift

Entrepreneurial Gift Leaders

Military & Law Enforcement Gift Leaders

Educational Gift Leaders

Social Gift

Judicial Gift

Media Gift

Arts & Entertainment Gift

Organizational Gift

Family Gift
​You can be like Elijah in the Bible who was designed to operate in only one sphere of leadership which was spiritual Gift Leadership. Elijah was a major Prophet to Israel.
Or you can be Esther who operated in two spheres, Arts and Entertainment Gift Leadership and Political Gift Leader. She was a beauty queen and political queen.
Thirdly, you can be like David who was designed to operate in the Military and Law Enforcement Gift Leadership, Political Gift Leadership and Spiritual Gift Leadership. He was a General, King and Prophet.
At Fresh Anointing and Wisdom Network we are dedicated to empowering you and activate the leadership gifting in you so that you can overcome the limitation in your life and let your light shine in the sphere of Leadership influence you were design to function in and give great glory to our Creator and Heavenly Father.
Always remember that the joy of a creator is for His glory, wisdom and brilliance to be seen in his creation.